Museum of Koprivnica is organizing a ceremony of opening a newly renovated space with a special permanent exhibition, The ceremony will take place on Friday 16th 2022 at noon. The exhibition is planned and set up during the Interreg V-A cross-border cooperation program Hungary-Croatia 2014-2020. project Wine folklore as a historical identity of Podravina and Pomurje (reVITAlize) which lasts since September 1st 22. Lead beneficiary in the project is City of Koprivnica and project partners are Museum and Hungarian Nonprofit Culture Society of the Mura Region (Mura és Vidéke Foglalkoztatási Szociális és Közművelődési Közhasznú).
During two years Museum organized 12 exhibitions, participated in organization of Winefest and Wine conference, presented traditional winemaking in the program of Podravina motifs, planned the Plemenka (Chasselas) a new sacral-wine rout, concepted an Interpretation plan for the permanent exhibition, developed a project web site along with other promotional materials (print, souvenirs). And here is the last activity, the grand opening of this permanent exhibition after working on it with City of Koprivnica, the basement of Museum was renovated, equipped (furniture, technical equippement), audio-visual content was produced and based od two themes – winemaking and folk religion adn devotion. The whole museum team worked on the exhibition, choosing the objects and stories and they presented traditional museum ways while using contemporary technology and interpretation of cultural heritage through everyday life in Podravina.
The ceremony will take place in a park in front of the Museum and it will be dislocated in big tent in museum yard in case of bad weather. Head of Ministry od culture and media Nina Obuljen Koržinek announced her visit along with many co-workers, associates and friends od the Museum.