
The "reVITALize" project presented at the Renaissance Festival

During the Renaissance Festival event from 18.-21. On August 2022, the project partners held a presentation of the "reVITALize" project - "Wine folklore as the historical identity of Podravina and Pomurje".

As part of the Renaissance Festival, the Tribal Map of the Sacral-Vine thematic route through Podravina was presented, a trilingual brochure, promotional materials were presented, and the citizens were informed about the activities that were carried out during the duration of the project.

As a reminder, the ReVITALize project is aimed at revitalizing wine folklore and branding the cross-border region in terms of a sustainable high-quality brand in the field of wine folklore.

As part of the project, the Museum of the City of Koprivnica was partially renovated with energy, and an eco-house was built in Totszentmarton (Hungary). Likewise, within the framework of the project, equipment and traditional setups for exhibitions in the field of wine folklore were acquired.

The main beneficiary of the project is the City of Koprivnica, and the project partners are: Museum of the City of Koprivnica, Hungarian Cultural Non-Profit Society of the Mura Region

The value of the project is 998,227.08 euros, while the budget of the City of Koprivnica is 402,640.88 euros and the Museum of the City of Koprivnica is 139,062.59 euros.

The project started on October 1, 2020 and runs until September 30, 2022.

"This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the City of Koprivnica and under no circumstances reflects the position of the European Union and/or the Governing Body."

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